Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hello runners.

We had a great run on Saturday, our first as MORE Striders. In total there were 12 of us. As we ran, or ran/walked, we weren't all at the same pace, as would be expected of any 12 runners. But what I really came away with, from everyone, is how exciting it is to undertake a big goal at this point in our lives.

The goals are different for each one of us: aiming at a marathon (one and counting), or at the MORE half marathon, or at a shorter distance, or even aiming to start a sustainable running program with other like-minded women. It felt so exciting and energizing and hopeful and courageous. Especially courageous. I truly admire everyone who ran or plans to run with us. It is no easy thing putting yourself out there for the world to see. Congratulations!

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